Linux TimeZones Setting

  • During the daily standup, it was pointed out that the timezone across Nautilus Application Servers in Stratos Datacenter doesn’t match with that of the local datacenter’s timezone, which is America/Blanc-Sablon.
solution :
  • #ssh to app server 1 account and switch to root
    sshpass -p Ir0nM@n ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no tony@stapp01
    sudo su -
    # change the timezone to America/Blanc-Sablon
    timedatectl set-timezone America/Blanc-Sablon

Linux User Files

  • There was some users data copied on Nautilus App Server 1 at /home/usersdata location by the Nautilus production support team in Stratos DC. Later they found that they mistakenly mixed up different user data there. Now they want to filter out some user data and copy it to another location. Find the details below:
  • On App Server 1 find all files (not directories) owned by user javed inside /home/usersdata directory and copy them all while keeping the folder structure (preserve the directories path) to /news directory.
Solution :
  • #ssh to user tony on App server 1 
    sshpass -p Ir0nM@n ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no tony@stapp01
    #find all the files copy the to /news directory while keeping the folder structure.
    find /home/usersdata/ -type f -user javed -exec cp --parents {} /news/ \; 2>/dev/null
    yum install tree -y
    tree /news

Linux User Without Home

  • The system admins team of xFusionCorp Industries has set up a new tool on all app servers, as they have a requirement to create a service user account that will be used by that tool. They are finished with all apps except for App Server 1 in Stratos Datacenter.
  • Create a user named ravi in App Server 1 without a home directory.
  • #Login to tony account in App server 1 via SSH
    sshpass -p Ir0nM@n ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no tony@stapp01
    #man useradd and look for the option to create a user without a home dir
    sudo useradd -M ravi
    getent passwd

MariaDB Troubleshooting

  • There is a critical issue going on with the Nautilus application in Stratos DC. The production support team identified that the application is unable to connect to the database. After digging into the issue, the team found that mariadb service is down on the database server.
  • Look into the issue and fix the same.
  • #Connect to the db instance
    sshpass -p Sp\!dy ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no peter@stdb01
    #Verify the status of mariadb service
    systemctl status mariadb
    #go through the logs and pay some attention!
    journalctl -xe
    cat /var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log
    #as you can see, the mariadb service coudln\'t start due to 'permision denied' problem! 
    #lets check the ownerships of both folders /var/lib/mysql and /var/run/mariadb
    ll /var/lib/mysql
    ll /var/run/mariadb
    #we notice that the owner of mariadb is sat to root and this was the root problem
    cd /var/run/
    chown -R mysql:mysql mariadb/
    #start and enbale the service
    systemctl start mariadb
    systemctl enable --now mariadb

Linux SSH Authentication

  • The system admins team of xFusionCorp Industries has set up some scripts on jump host that run on regular intervals and perform operations on all app servers in Stratos Datacenter. To make these scripts work properly we need to make sure the thor user on jump host has password-less SSH access to all app servers through their respective sudo users (i.e tony for app server 1). Based on the requirements, perform the following:
  • Set up a password-less authentication from user thor on jump host to all app servers through their respective sudo users.
  • #generate ssh key
    ssh-keygen -t rsa 
    #copy the generated key
    ssh-copy-id tony@stapp01
    ssh-copy-id steve@stapp02
    ssh-copy-id banner@stapp03
    ssh tony@stapp01
    ssh steve@stapp02
    ssh banner@stapp03

Linux Collaborative Directories

  • The Nautilus team doesn’t want its data to be accessed by any of the other groups/teams due to security reasons and want their data to be strictly accessed by the devops group of the team.
  • Setup a collaborative directory /devops/data on Nautilus App 3 server in Stratos Datacenter.
  • The directory should be group owned by the group devops and the group should own the files inside the directory. The directory should be read/write/execute to the group owners, and others should not have any access.
  • #ssh to app server3
    sshpass -p BigGr33n ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no banner@stapp03
    #switch to root
    sudo su -
    #create dir /devops/data
    mkdir -p /devops/data
    #change the group owner
    m1 : chgrp -R devops /devops && chgrp -R devops /devops/data (-R > for recursive)
    m2 : chown -R :devops /devops 
    #change the dir perms
    chmod -R 2770 /devops/ && chmod -R 2770 /devops/data
    2 > SGID
    7 > rwx
    0 > ---

Linux NTP Setup

  • The system admin team of xFusionCorp Industries has noticed an issue with some servers in Stratos Datacenter where some of the servers are not in sync w.r.t time. Because of this, several application functionalities have been impacted. To fix this issue the team has started using common/standard NTP servers. They are finished with most of the servers except App Server 1. Therefore, perform the following tasks on this server:
  • Install and configure NTP server on App Server 1.
  • Add NTP server in NTP configuration on App Server 1.
  • Please do not try to start/restart/stop ntp service, as we already have a restart for this service scheduled for tonight and we don’t want these changes to be applied right now
  • #ssh to app server 1
    sshpass -p Ir0nM@n ssh -o StrictHostkeyChecking=no tony@stapp01
    #switch to root user
    sudo su -
    #Install ntp server if not installed
    rpm -qa | grep ntp
    yum install -y ntp
    #Configure NTP server
    vi /etc/ntp.conf 
    ~ insert this line (NTP server then save and quit
    #Start and enable the ntp daemon
    systemctl enable ntpd
    systemctl start ntpd
    systemctl status ntpd
    #verify configuration

Linux Run Levels

  • New tools have been installed on the app server in Stratos Datacenter. Some of these tools can only be managed from the graphical user interface. Therefore, there are requirements for these app servers.
  • On all App servers in Stratos Datacenter change the default runlevel so that they can boot in GUI (graphical user interface) by default. Please do not try to reboot these servers
  • #ssh to the app server of the 3 accounts
    sshpass -p BigGr33n ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no banner@stapp03
    #switch user to root
    sudo su -
    #get the default target
    systemctl get-default
    #notice the default target is set to, you can list all the target using the following command
    systemctl list-units
    #set the default target to
    systemctl set-default
    #start the new target and verify
    systemctl start && systemctl status
    systemctl get-default

Linux String Substitute

  • The backup server in the Stratos DC contains several template XML files used by the Nautilus application. However, these template XML files must be populated with valid data before they can be used. One of the daily tasks of a system admin working in the xFusionCorp industries is to apply string and file manipulation commands!
  • Replace all occurances of the string Sample to Software on the XML file /root/nautilus.xml located in the backup server.
  • #ssh to the backup server
    sshpass -p H@wk3y3 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no clint@stbkp01
    #switch to the root user
    sudo su -
    #change the word Sample with SoftWare in the XML file nautilus.xml
    cat /root/nautilus.xml
    #Using sed, you can always refer to the manual for help
    sed -i 's/Sample/Software/g' nautilus.xml
    #Breaking down the sed command
    -i > save the changes to the file --in-place
    s > substitue
    g > global
    #Using awk, refer to the manual for help
    awk '{gsub("Sample", "Software", $0); print > "nautilus.xml"}' nautilus.xml
    #Breaking down the awk command
    gsub() -> awk function to globally substitue the Sample word with Software
    $0 -> refers to the entire input line being proccessed (awk reads the input file line by line until it reaches the end of file).
    print > "nautilus.xml" -> overwrites the original file with the modified lines

Linux String Substitute (sed)

  • There is some data on Nautilus App Server 1 in Stratos DC. Data needs to be altered in several of the files. On Nautilus App Server 1, alter the /home/BSD.txt file as per details given below:
  • a. Delete all lines containing word following and save results in /home/BSD_DELETE.txt file. (Please be aware of case sensitivity)
  • b. Replace all occurrence of word and to them and save results in /home/BSD_REPLACE.txt file.
  • Note: Let’s say you are asked to replace word to with from. In that case, make sure not to alter any words containing this string; for example upto, contributor etc.
  • #ssh to app server 1
    sshpass -p Ir0nM@n ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no tony@stapp01
    #switch to roo user
    sudo su -
    #cd the /home dir and cat the BSD.txt
    cd /home 
    cat BSD.txt
    #Delete all lines containing word following and save results in /home/BSD_DELETE.txt file.
    sed '/\<following\>/d' /home/BSD.txt > /home/BSD_DELETE.txt
    #Here, \< and \> are word boundaries in regular expressions, ensuring that only the exact word "following" is 
    matched and not parts of other words.
    #Cat the original file and the modified one to verify
    cat BSD.txt | grep following 
    cat BSD_DELETE.txt | grep follwing
    #Replace all occurrence of word and to them and save results in /home/BSD_REPLACE.txt file.
    sed 's/\band\b/them/g' /home/BSD.txt > /home/BSD_REPLACE.txt
    #Here, \b represents word boundaries in regular expressions, ensuring that only the word "and" is matched as a standalone word and not parts of other   
    #Cat the modified file to verify
    cat BSD_REPLACE.txt | grep them
    cat BSD_REPLACE.txt | grep them

DNS TroubleShooting

  • the system admins team of xFusionCorp Industries has noticed intermittent issues with DNS resolution in several apps . App Server 3 in Stratos Datacenter is having some DNS resolution issues, so we want to add some additional DNS nameservers on this server.
  • As a temporary fix we have decided to go with Google public DNS (ipv4). Please make appropriate changes on this server. ee
  • #Connect to the app server 3
    sshpass -p BigGr33n ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no banner@stapp03
    #switch to root user
    sudo su -
    #test dns with ping command
    #modify resolv.conf file
    vi /etc/resolv.conf
    #add the following lines
    #save modification and test

Selinux Installation

  • The xFusionCorp Industries security team recently did a security audit of their infrastructure and came up with ideas to improve the application and server security. They decided to use SElinux for an additional security layer. They are still planning how they will implement it; however, they have decided to start testing with app servers, so based on the recommendations they have the following requirements:
  • Install the required packages of SElinux on App server 1 in Stratos Datacenter and disable it permanently for now; it will be enabled after making some required configuration changes on this host. Don’t worry about rebooting the server as there is already a reboot scheduled for tonight’s maintenance window. Also ignore the status of SElinux command line right now; the final status after reboot should be disabled.
  • #ssh to app server1
    sshpass -p Ir0nM@n ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no tony@stapp01
    #switch to root user
    sudo su -
    #testing selinux
    #installing selinux
    yum whatprovides selinux
    yum search selinux
    #install all the packages
    yum install policycoreutils policycoreutils-python selinux-policy selinux-policy-targeted libselinux-utils setroubleshoot-server setools setools-console mcstrans
    #check selinux status
    #set selinux mode to disabled
    vi /etc/selinux/config => Change the SELINUX=enforcing to SELINUX=disabled
    #checking selinux status again

Create Cron Jon

  • The Nautilus system admins team has prepared scripts to automate several day-to-day tasks. They want them to be deployed on all app servers in Stratos DC on a set schedule. Before that they need to test similar functionality with a sample cron job. Therefore, perform the steps below:
  • a. Install cronie package on all Nautilus app servers and start crond service.
  • b. Add a cron */5 * * * * echo hello > /tmp/cron_text for root user.
  • #ssh to the app servers
    sshpass -p <password> ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no <user>@stapp0{1,2,3}
    #switch to root user
    sudo su -
    #install cron service
    yum whatprovides crontab
    yum install cronie
    #start and enable the service
    systemctl start cronie
    systemctl enable --now cronie
    systemctl status cronie
    #create a new cron job and copy the job given, the -u here arg is for user and is not actually necessary here
    crontab -e -u root 
    crontab -l
    cat /var/spool/cron/root

Linux Remote Copy

  • One of the Nautilus developers has copied confidential data on the jump host in Stratos DC. That data must be copied to one of the app servers. Because developers do not have access to app servers, they asked the system admins team to accomplish the task for them.
  • Copy /tmp/nautilus.txt.gpg file from jump server to App Server 1 at location /home/webapp.
  • #check for the file in jump hose
    ls /tmp
    #copy the file to the app server1
    sudo scp -r /tmp/nautilus.txt.gpg tony@stapp01:/home/webapp
    sshpass -p Ir0nM@n ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no tony@stapp01
    ls /home/webapp

Linux Postfix Troubleshooting

  • Some users of the monitoring app have reported issues with xFusionCorp Industries mail server. They have a mail server in Stork DC where they are using postfix mail transfer agent. Postfix service seems to fail. Try to identify the root cause and fix it.
  • #connect to the mail server
    sshpass -p Gr00T123 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no groot@stmail01
    #switch to the root user
    sudo su -
    #start the postfix service
    systemctl start postfix 
    #notice the error we get, lets dig into it and understand the root problem
    systemctl status postifx -l
    journalctl -xe 
    #According to the logs, the error in Postfix occurred because the "inet_interfaces" parameter was set to both "all" and "localhost," causing a conflict. This conflicting configuration resulted in a malfunction of the system.
    #We can fix this by commenting "inet_interfaces=localhost" in /etc/postfix/
    vi /etc/postfix/ > add "#" to "inet_interfaces=localhost"
    #start the service
    systemctl start postfix
    systemctl status postfix
    telnet stmail01 25

Linux Services

  • As per details shared by the development team, the new application release has some dependencies on the back end. There are some packages/services that need to be installed on all app servers under Stratos Datacenter. As per requirements please perform the following steps:
  • a. Install nscd package on all the application servers.
  • b. Once installed, make sure it is enabled to start during boot.
  • #ssh to the app servers one by one
    sshpass -p <password> ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no <name>@stapp0{1,2,3}
    #switch to root user
    sudo su -
    #search for the nscd package
    yum search nscd
    #install the package
    yum install nscd -y
    #start and enbale the service
    systemctl status nscd
    systemctl enable --now nscd
    #verify the service status
    systemctl status nscd

Linux User Expiry

  • A developer kirsty has been assigned Nautilus project temporarily as a backup resource. As a temporary resource for this project, we need a temporary user for kirsty. It’s a good idea to create a user with a set expiration date so that the user won’t be able to access servers beyond that point.
  • Therefore, create a user named kirsty on the App Server 1. Set expiry date to 2021-02-17 in Stratos Datacenter. Make sure the user is created as per standard and is in lowercase.
  • #Connect to app server 1 
    sshpass -p Ir0nM@n ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no tony@stapp01
    #Switch to root user
    sudo su -
    #create new user with expiry date
    useradd -e 2021-02-17 kirsty
    chage -l kirsty

Disable Root Login

  • After doing some security audits of servers, xFusionCorp Industries security team has implemented some new security policies. One of them is to disable direct root login through SSH.
  • Disable direct SSH root login on all app servers in Stratos Datacenter.
  • #ssh to the app servers
    sshpass -p <password> ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no <user>@<host>
    #switch to the root user
    sudo su -
    #edit the sshd_config file
    vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    add "PermitRootLogin no" and save the file and quit
    #restart ssh daemon 
    systemctl restart sshd
    systemctl status sshd

Linux Banner

  • During the monthly compliance meeting, it was pointed out that several servers in the Stratos DC do not have a valid banner. The security team has provided serveral approved templates which should be applied to the servers to maintain compliance. These will be displayed to the user upon a successful login.
  • Update the message of the day on all application and db servers for Nautilus. Make use of the approved template located at /home/thor/nautilus_banner on jump host
  • #scp is not installed in the db server, lets first install it first.
    sshpass -p Sp\!dy ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no peter@stdb01
    #switch to the root user and install the required package
    sudo su -
    yum whatprovides scp
    yum install openssh-clients -y
    #now CTRL^D twice and go back to the jump host to copy the template.
    scp nautilus_banner peter@stdb01:/tmp/motd
    scp nautilus_banner tony@stapp01:/tmp/motd
    scp nautilus_banner steve@stapp02:/tmp/motd
    scp nautilus_banner banner@stapp03:/tmp/motd
    #ssh again to the server
    sshpass -p Sp\!dy ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no peter@stdb01
    #move the /tmp/motd file to /etc/motd
    sudo mv /tmp/motd /etc/motd
    cat /etc/motd
    #CTRL^D twice and reconnect to the server via ssh to see the changes.
    sshpass -p Sp\!dy ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no peter@stdb01
    #Redo the same process on all app servers.

Cron schedule deny to users

  • To stick with the security compliances, the Nautilus project team has decided to apply some restrictions on crontab access so that only allowed users can create/update the cron jobs. Limit crontab access to below specified users on App Server 1.
  • Allow crontab access to mariyam user and deny the same to ryan user.
  • sshpass -p Ir0nM@n ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no tony@stapp01
    #restrict user ryna from using crontab
    sudo echo "ryan" > /etc/cron.deny
    #allow user mariyam 
    sudo echo "mariyam" > /etc/cron.allow
    #restart crond service 
    sudo systemctl restart crond
    su ryan
    crontab -l #you should get  the following message
    "You ryan are not allowed to use this program (crontab)."

Linux Firewalld Rules

  • The Nautilus system admins team recently deployed a web UI application for their backup utility running on the Nautilus backup server in Stratos Datacenter. The application is running on port 5001. They have firewalld installed on that server. The requirements that have come up include the following:
  • Open all incoming connection on 5002/tcp port. Zone should be public
  • sshpass -p H@wk3y3 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking clint@stbkp01
    curl localhost:5002
    #open port
    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=5002/tcp --zone=public
    sudo firewall-cmd --reload
    sudo firewall-cmd --list-ports
    curl localhost:5002